Come on, come on, come on, come on. A pop star as swaggering as Robbie Williams...
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Streaming on: Netflix Episodes viewed: 10 of 10 With new Netflix...
As we head towards 2025, we’re getting closer and closer to the dawn of James...
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Streaming on: Netflix Episodes viewed: 8 of 8 Heartstopper is growing up....
Who is the Joker? Ever since being introduced in the comics as Batman’s first...
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Latest on Empire
In brightest day, in blackest night… some exciting Lanterns news has...
By royal decree, we shall all be returning to the principality of Genovia! Yup,...
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Love that Joker? If so, you’ve come to the right place, folks, as this...
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*Warning — This piece contains spoiler for all of The Lord Of The Rings: The...
Streaming on: BBC iPlayer Episodes viewed: 8 of 8 After two unbelievably good...
The Industry actor sets his sights on Gotham, Hollywood and beyond While...
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From killer whales and dinosaurs to Banksy and Cobain, UK Netflix has a lot of...
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You’ve swooned for Baby Groot. You’ve “aww”ed at Baby Yoda. But are you...
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