We would call this a spiritual sequel to Valentine’s Day, but neither movies have much spirit. Another starry ensemble cast navigate a secular holiday, and once again relationships are forged, repaired or tested in the process — but for every moment of real human connection there are ten scenes of such transparent contrivance and aggressive superficiality that this, at times, feels like a parody of the rom-com genre’s worst excesses. While some performances are good (Zac Efron, Michelle Pfeiffer), they’re shackled by breathtakingly stupid storylines, and the attempt at a romantic whodunnit for the big finale ends up a damp squib. Everyone involved deserves better.
New Year’s Eve Review

Following a similar tack to his previous effort, Valentine's Day director Garry Marshall assembles a group of singletons looking for love in the Big Apple. Let's hope they find it before the clock strikes midnight.
Release Date:
08 Dec 2011
Running Time:
117 minutes
Original Title:
New Year’s Eve
All hangover and no fizz, this is grimly, determinedly awful.
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