New Full-Length Avengers Trailer Arrives

Plus new, utterly HUGE villain revealed

New Full-Length Avengers Trailer Arrives

by Ali Plumb |
Published on

So here it is, the new Avengers trailer - and it is epic.

After an initially slow start, full of images we've already seen, fresh footage emerges, notably of The Hulk, the Quinjet and Captain America facing off against Thor. And Iron Man facing off against Thor. Thor is getting a lot of superheroes' backs up, it seems.

Oh, and the new bad guy? It would seem that he's revealed, and while nobody namechecks the massive mechanical winged beast at the end, we're guessing that that's Iron Man villain, Fin Fang Foom - or the Midgard Serpent who's occasionally disguised as same. And believe us, nobody saw that one coming.

Here's a closer look at the big guy for you...

...compared to a comic book version of Fin Fang Foom below.

And you were worried that the film's new name sounded silly? Needn't worry. Unless you think Fin Fang Foom sounds a bit naff, in which case, fair enough (but chances of him being addressed as such onscreen? Zero, we'd say).

That said, this new trailer has not revealed the plot much at all, but boasts so many money shots it doesn't matter. Watch it again and you'll see what we mean. Hulk! Thor getting angry! Um, Black Widow shooting her gun! Or for a truly exhaustive analysis, check out our Avengers trailer breakdown here.

To read more on what they're now calling Marvel Avengers Assemble in the UK, download the March issue of Empire's iPad edition from the App Store.

Marvel Avengers Assemble is out on April 26 in the UK.

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