Self/Less Review

Dying millionaire Damian Hale (Kingsley) has his consciousness transferred into a younger body (Reynolds), then turns against the sinister scientist (Goode) who has invented the process.

by Kim Newman |
Published on
Release Date:

16 Jul 2015

Running Time:

116 minutes



Original Title:


Self/Less puts ageing tycoon Ben Kingsley into vigorous leading man Ryan Reynolds’ body, just as it makes over the premise of John Frankenheimer’s 1966 classic Seconds into 2015 action movie for impatient audiences who don’t want to think or feel too much.  Without slowing to explore the story’s weighty themes, Tarsem Singh delivers montages of hedonistic sports/sex and action-adventure which make a mad science rejuvenation project the equivalent of the shallow but appealing products he used to craft commercials around.  The fights, chases and escapes are interspersed with occasional eerie moments and dollops of unconvincing family values soap opera.

Entertaining nonsense, but barely skimming the surface of a great idea.
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