Cinematographer Aaron Schneider’s debut doesn’t amount to much more dramatically than an episode of Little House On The Prairie juiced-up with a troika of actors who’ve known more challenging material, but when the talent is of Robert Duvall, Sissy Spacek and Bill Murray’s calibre, it’s worth watching them do some thesping even if the story is sentimental backwoods tosh. Duvall is Felix, a Tennessee hermit who emerges from exile demanding a funeral party for himself. Murray is the funeral director. The cinematography is gorgeous, at times oppressively so, and the acting enjoyable if unsurprising — but given the thinness, and the unsatisfactory final act, it’s hard to discern why anyone bothered.
Get Low Review

Felix 'Bush' Breazeale (Duvall) decides to hold his funeral while he's still alive so he can ould enjoy the experience. When a massive crowd turns out on the day, he finds that he's become a celebrity as a result.
Release Date:
21 Jan 2011
Running Time:
103 minutes
Original Title:
Get Low
Robert Duvall, Sissy Spacek and Bill Murray lend their mega-watt talents to a undemanding movie. Beautifully shot but let down by an underwhelming final act.
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