Cockneys Vs. Zombies Review

Cockneys Vs. Zombies
After choosing to embrace their family heritage and cultural stereotype, East End brothers Andy and Terry (Treadaway and Hardiker) are off to rob a bank. Plans go awry, but not because the ‘Ducks and Geese’ show up. Instead, it’s an army of the undead tha

by Ian Freer |
Published on
Release Date:

31 Aug 2012

Running Time:

88 minutes



Original Title:

Cockneys Vs. Zombies

It may have one of those exploitative titles that rarely translates into a good movie, but Matthias Hoene’s is an entertaining romp through an over-exposed sub-genre. Built on the smart idea that one of the few sections of society unable to outrun zombies are OAPs, a gang of retirement home residents call up the bulldog British spirit to repel an undead invasion, while a gang of likable young ’uns find their failed bank heist becomes a secondary issue to marauding flesh-eaters. It might feel familiar and never really reaches the heights of the films that inspired it, but amid the steady guffaws and the inventive grue, you feel it has its heart in the right place.

Much more than just a witty title, this is a very genuine, very British send-up.
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