Wednesday’s News Round Up (28 February)

Star Trek, Christmas and Stiller

Wednesday's News Round Up (28 February)

by empire |
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Star Trek XI Sets Course For Christmas

Expect something a bit pointy eared and wearing a girdle in your Christmas stocking in 2008, because 25th December will be the day the eleventh Star Trek movie will make its landing (in the US at least). The movie, being directed by Trekky JJ Abrams will begin shooting this autumn and will tell the story of Spock and Kirk's meeting at the Starfleet Academy. Rumours are that the college pranks will see the invention of the Galactic Wedgie during some extended teasing of Scotty. We should add that was a rumour we just started. Right there.

More Christmas

Paramount and Lorenzo Di Bonaventura, uber-Hollywood producer and really high scrabble score, have optioned Kringle, a novel about the origins of the Kris Kringle legend. As many will know, Kringle later adopted the stage name Santa Claus because it was felt his real name was too Germanic and would limit his global appeal. Anyone expecting cuddly snowmen and button-nosed kids with eyes full of materialistic wonder, think again. This telling of the story will feature warriors, huge battles and fairies. Which already make it about the best Christmas movie ever. Mark Dindal (Chicken Little) will direct from a script co-written with Jason Richman (Bad Company).

Ben Stiller directing Robert Downey Jr

Jay Baruchel (Million Dollar Baby) and Robert Downey Jr (loads of things) will star in the Ben Stiller directed comedy Tropic Thunder. In the film, a big budget war movie goes spectacularly tits up and the lead actors end up fighting just like the soldiers they're pretending to be. Oh the comedy irony! Downey Jr will play a four-time Oscar winning best actor of his generation and Baruchel will play an unknown. Which is almost like real life, except replace "Oscar winning" with "busted for drugs".

Zac Efron In New Secretive Film

Zac Efron, one of the leads from High School Musical and therefore part of the problem rather than the solution, has been signed for a New Line comedy. Details on the film are non-existent other than that it's a broad high school comedy. Kid got range.

Sneak Peak At Spider-Man 3 Online Next Tuesday

If you haven't already started watching brilliant US TV series Heroes then you're probably kind of a doofus and people call you names behind your back and write your phone number in toilets under the words 'If you're looking for a good time, call'. Either that or you live outside America and don't have the Sci-Fi Channel. Next week US viewers of the series will catch a brand new peek at Spider-Man 3 during its ad breaks. Fortunately, those of us outside the states – oh yes, America, there are other countries out there – will get a look when it goes online straight after Monday's show at

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