Tuesday’s News Round-Up (January 23)

100% Oscars-free...except for Ms Hayek

Tuesday's News Round-Up (January 23)

by empire |
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Eric Roberts is a Hero

In a few weeks you will all agree that Heroes is the best TV show in the world (sorry, Lost, you lost us with the whole Others' zoo thing). Which would mean that, by virtue of being newly associated with said best show, Eric Roberts has a career again (at last?). The Roberts who's not Julia will play an associate of Horn Rimmed Glasses in the second half of the first season. We're not going to spoil who HRG is for new viewers, because that would deprive you of two scoops of awesome.

Salma Hayek's in La Banda

Sing that headline to the tune of La Bamba. It scans and it is fun. Hayek, the living definition of the phrase va-va-voom, is to star in and produce La Banda, a Spanish-language romantic comedy. In the indie project, she'll play a rich housewife who finds herself on her uppers when her husband leaves her. To make ends meet she secretly becomes a singer in a wedding band, but finds it hard to keep her secret from her moneyed friends when the band gains popularity.

Lindsay Lohan leaves rehab. But only to work

We're not totally sure how rehab works, because we don't have any vices and live on a diet of wheatgrass, organic Fairtrade tree bark that agreed to be eaten in the first place and helping old ladies cross the street. But the way Lindsay Lohan is doing it sounds great. Li-Lo is reportedly still acting while seeking treatment for whatever it is she's having too much of (details seems sketchy and we don't want to get sued). She's showing up for filming on thriller I Know Who Killed Me and then returning to rehab to chant, drink water and make wicker baskets or whatever in the evening. It's a toss up over whether this is a great work ethic or, as your mum used to say, just treating the place like a hotel.

And that's about everything today that has nothing to do with a little bald shiny naked man.

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