Sonnenfeld Makes A Scandal

He's remaking a Korean comedy

Sonnenfeld Makes A Scandal

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

Barry Sonnenfeld has been mostly working in TV since making RV in 2006, so we're pleased to announce that he's back back back in the director's chair for a remake of massive Korean box-office hit Scandal Makers.

The story follows a philandering pop singer (the original film was about a "DJ/ entertainer") in his 30s who learns that he may have a daughter - and worse, grandson - that he never knew about. Cue his life being turned upside down and no doubt plenty of amusement.

The film opened in Korea in December and managed to clock up over 8 million admissions, making it the biggest film of the year there. Sonnenfeld said that the film is "funny, intelligent and full of heart", making it universal, and is now looking for a studio to make the film. Watch this space for more news.

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