Russian Thor The Dark World Banner Poster Thumps In

It's official: 'God Of Thunder' is your new favourite dance move

Russian Thor The Dark World Banner Poster Thumps In

by Ali Plumb |
Published on

To execute Chris Hemsworth's revolutionary new dance move, you'll need a hammer, a long flowing cape, a wind machine and a belt with tasselly bits on the end. We've dubbed it 'The God Of Thunder' but you can call it whatever you like. 'The Asgardian Crotch Pop' perhaps, or 'That Pose Thor's Pulling On The Russian Thor The Dark World Poster'.

With Cyrillic script being what it is, when capitalised, the transliterated version of THOR reads TOP, so feel free to refer to the upcoming Marvel movie as TOP 2. But for the record, it reads with the sound 'Tor' instead of 'Thor' because Russian doesn't like the 'th' sound, also known as the 'Thorn'. Linguistics is fun, you're right!

Of course, for the full scoop on the Thorquel, be sure to pick up the latest issue of** Empire**, which boasts both a Loki and a Thor cover - something Hemsworth himself has mixed feelings about (as you'll hear - in a way - on this week's **Empire Podcast).

{Thor: The Dark World Empire Covers}

Thor: The Dark World hits UK cinemas on October 30 and US cinemas on November 8. For more on the film while you wait, check out our trailer breakdown here and teaser trailer breakdown here.

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