Richard Attenborough’s John Hammond Narrates New Jurassic World Teaser

'Welcome to Jurassic... World'

Richard Attenborough's John Hammond Narrates New Jurassic World Teaser

by Ali Plumb |
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The recent marketing material for the upcoming dino-fourquel Jurassic World has been leaning heavily on the love fans have for the franchise's first outing, Jurassic Park. Now there's more, and this time, Richard Attenborough is obliquely involved. With John Hammond's voiceover echoing around the latest teaser, this is a goosebump-enducing hybrid of both the older film and the new.

It began as a dream. On June 12, the park is finally open. Get tickets to [#JurassicWorld]( now: > > — #JurassicWorld (@JurassicPark) [May 18, 2015](

The late, great two-time Oscar winner passed away early last year, so as you may have guessed, a lot of this narration is from his previous work on the series, with the spliced-in word "world" in "Welcome to Jurassic World" just about working. Incidentally, a statue of John Hammond is in the new Jurassic World, as spotted earlier trailers.

Previously, the cast and crew (and executive producer Steven Spielberg) sat down to talk about their love of the 1993 five-star classic, and if you haven't seen it already, it's definitely worth your time.

Jurassic World finds Hammond’s dream of a fully functioning dino-park realised thanks to a massive conglomerate that has stepped into the T-Rex-shaped breach and injected a load of dosh to get the place up and running under the smooth business aegis of Bryce Dallas Howard’s Claire.

By now, things are operating smoothly, with attractions galore and tourist hotspots all around. But as time has gone on, even the biggest and baddest dino displays have become a tad passé. So, in an attempt to drum up fresh interest, Claire and the other executives have given the thumbs up to a particularly smart dinosaur (the aforementioned Indominus Rex). One that doesn’t really understand its place in the world and that has already made a quick lunch of the twin born alongside it.

And because this is a Jurassic Park film, it’s not long before the screaming starts. Animal behavioral specialist/all-round big damn hero Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) – who voiced concerns about the new baby – is tasked with trying to stop the new menace as she stomps across the theme resort like an out-of-control toddler with much more dangerous teeth.

With Colin Trevorrow calling the shots and Irrfan Khan, Omar Sy, Nick Robinson, Ty Simpkins, Vincent D’Onofrio, BD Wong, Jake Johnson and Judy Greer in the cast, Jurassic World is out on June 12 in the US and June 11 in the UK.

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