New Wanted Trailer Online

Plus more new pictures

New Wanted Trailer Online

by Olly Richards |
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It's a bit of a Wanted week on the interwebs this week. On Monday we brought you the first pictures from Timur Bekmambetov's new action thriller and today Universal have released the first trailer for the movie, which you can see here. And it is freakin' badass.

In the movie, James McAvoy plays a pathetic young man with nothing going on in his life, until an assassin, played by Angelina Jolie, fills his life with guns and sexy and Morgan Freeman. Jolie looks amazing in this. If you want smouldering killer, there's really no more obvious choice, and the woman's not afraid of a little risk, hanging out of cars with no apparent regard to her safety or the flimsiness of her top.

Bekmambetov's brought the same 'laws of physics be damned' action sensibility that he had in Night Watch, but with clearly a much bigger budget. There are shades of The Matrix to the slo-mo effects and general relaxed carnage. It may be setting the bar too high to expect it to live up to that movie, but we're watching this one with a level of excitement that may require new pants.

There are also a few new pictures at the official site here.

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