New Tron Poster Online

Take a trip(tych) to Tron world

New Tron Poster Online

by Phil de Semlyen |
Published on

The first two parts of the freshly triptyched Tron Legacy poster have boasted Clu, and Sam Flynn and Quorra - villain, hero and sultrily mysterious love interest, respectively. Now comes the turn of the daddy of Tron world himself, Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges), hiding out none too convincingly between a light disk. Click below to piece the three parts into an impressive whole.

Flynn, in a kind of suped-up, virtual-reality version of Where's Wally?, has been trapped in Tron world for 20 years. As in our world, technology has moved on, the universe becoming simultaneously more advanced and more sinister. The storm clouds are gathering.

To escape, Flynn and his son Sam must combat the seductive A.I. of programs like Clu and Castor (Michael Sheen). And, with any luck, do much light cycling. Find out when Tron Legacy make its UK bow on December 17.

Pop quiz time: name another poster on which the same actor has appeared more than once? Answers on a postcard, or better yet, below...

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