On May 5, 1980 an SAS squad abseiled down the side of the Iranian Embassy in London's Princes Gate to rescue the 26 hostages trapped inside. 6 Days, a new action thriller, tells the full story behind that raid and the nerve-knotting days leading up to it. These three new stills give a flavour of what to expect.

Although character details are still underwraps, Jamie Bell is looking like he's either leading a special forces team or there's a bit where he goes on the world's most elaborate paintballing outing. Judging by the pic below, Mark Strong will be helping out in a hostage negotiation capacity.

Shot partly in New Zealand and now underway near the notorious incident's actual epicentre, 6 Days is the latest from Kiwi director Toa Fraser (The Dead Lands, Dean Spanley). He's teamed up again with his **Dead Lands **writer Glenn Standring, with several former SAS members helping bring realism to an event that was witnessed across the globe and whose exteriors, at least, were famously captured on film.

Producer Matthew Metcalfe promises “a tense action/thriller that will tell the story of one of the most audacious and incredible special forces raids of all time". Rounding out the cast topliners are Abbie Cornish and Martin Shaw.