After a visit to the London Toy Fair earlier in the year revealed the Hulk's love of chinos – and a water-testing blog on the subject – there is no doubt that there's movie news in them there children's playthings, especially when it comes to Hobbit Lego.
Here, then, are some sort-of-spoilery images from Lego's upcoming **Hobbit **range, featuring the barrel escape, the Mirkwood spiders (including someone who looks more than a little like Legolas), the riddling in the dark (complete with fish) and the goblins' lair.
Of course, there's a book that was published back in 1937 that'll offer up even more spoilers, but in terms of how the scenes will be laid out, there may be hints here just as there were in the the imprisoned Loki set that came to light long before The Avengers assembled back in the summer.
As for the wargs, reportedly tweaked visually from those seen in The Lord Of The Rings, a better, less Lego-ified look can be seen in this snap here (alongside Fimbul The Hunter, of course).

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey finally gets here on December 14.