National Treasure Sequel Has A Title

Beyond National Treasure 2, that is

National Treasure Sequel Has A Title

by empire |
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It may have been dumber than a bag of hammers, but it was still smarter than The Da Vinci Code and approximately 1,000 times more fun, so roll on the sequel to National Treasure, which now bears the full title National Treasure: The Book of Secrets.

Now before you say it, this has nothing to do with the book that led Harry Potter to the Chamber of Secrets (please try to keep up at the back) but instead refers to the diary of one John Wilkes Booth, the man who shot Abraham Lincoln (for those of you who have seen Zoolander, he’s the male model who looks a lot like Cyclops from X-Men). The book was found on Booth’s body following the assassination, but was not produced in the 1865 conspiracy trial that followed the killing, and mysteriously resurfaced in 1867.

So why is this a book of secrets? Was it there that he confessed his love of Take That (or 19th century equivalent) or confided that he thought that the girl who sat opposite him on the omnibus on April 19, 1865 was, like, totally hot? Well, maybe, because by the time the diary reappeared in 1867, 18 pages of the diary were missing. Why, there could have been anything on those missing sheets – shopping lists, bits of bad poetry or even the secret of a big conspiracy by garment manufacturers to get rid of the President. We look forward to Nicolas Cage figuring it out for us. The film's due out on December 21 this year.

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