National Treasure 2 Trailer Online

Also, We Own The Night and Rendition

National Treasure 2 Trailer Online

by empire |
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Now, here, there is a trailer claiming to be associated with the sequel to National Treasure. However, we watched it twice and not once did anyone use the words "Declaration of Independence", the repetition of which basically formed the entire script for the first film, so this is clearly lies. But let's entertain the masquerade anyway, since they've gone to the effort of making the movie.

There's obviously a certain amount of disbelief suspension required for this 'The Mummy rubs up against Da Vinci Code' series, but, seriously, a President's 'Book of Secrets' that holds the truth behind events from JFK's assassination to Area 51? And this information would just be kept in a book that looks like it should contain spells or maybe anatomical diagrams of dragons, would it? Not, say, an impossible to crack computer? Does it, perhaps, also have a big stamp on the front saying 'DO NOT READ! REALLY BIG SECRETS INSIDE! NO GIRLS ALLOWED!'?

If you like Nic Cage, sucker punch on the nose dialogue ("What is it about treasure that makes history so fascinating?", "It contains all the secrets of our nation!", "Careful, that could be a terrible trap!") and terrific actors (Helen Mirren! Ed Harris! Harvey Keitel! Jon Voi...well, he used to be great) struggling to make sense of said lines, then this is terrific fun. Just, perhaps, not in the way it was intended. But, since it lists 'The Wibberleys' among its screenwriters, maybe they're in on the joke.

Looking much better is We Own The Night, the trailer for which is here. The film, a story of two brothers (Joaquin Phoenix and Mark Wahlberg) caught in a battle between the Russian mafia and the cops. The film got a dud reception from the notoriously jeering Cannes crowd, but this promo looks slick, tense and sort of glamorously sweaty. The Cannes booers hated Marie Antoinette last year, and we completely disagreed with that, so we'll wait to make up our own mind.

For our American readers, there's also a trailer for the Reese Witherspoon/Jake Gyllenhaal movie Rendition online here. But it's on AOL Player, which is a tool of the devil, and won't let non-US internet users play it, for reasons best known to themselves. What are they worried we might do with this new filmic information? This one could go all the way back to the President!

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