Melissa Leo To Join The Fighter

With Wahlberg and Bale

Melissa Leo To Join The Fighter

by Helen O'Hara |
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Recent Oscar nominee Melissa Leo is in talks to join The Fighter, with David O. Russell directing Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale in the lead roles. For those of you keeping score at home, that means she'll be playing the mother of a man who's 11 years younger than she is.

The film follows half-brothers Dicky Eklund (Bale) and Mickey Ward (Wahlberg), as the former trains the latter in his boxing career, after losing his own career to drugs and prison.

The film's had rather a complicated route to the screen so far, but things look to be developing smoothly now, with Leo rounding out an increasingly impressive cast. The film's due to shoot this summer, so expect to see it sometime next year.

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