Megan Fox Joins The Crossing

Carjacking thriller next for actress

Megan Fox Joins The Crossing

by Chris Hewitt |
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Megan Fox is getting ready to make The Crossing.

The Transformers star – currently gracing the Empire cover, of course – has signed on to star in the Screen Gems thriller, which seems to be, essentially, Breakdown with the genders reversed.

Fox will play one half of a married couple who fall foul of carjackers upon their return from a holiday in Mexico. With the husband kidnapped, Fox is forced to smuggle heroin across the border in order to secure his release. But, if we know our feisty Fox, she’ll be hatching a plan to turn the table on the kidnappers, and rescue hubby without being caught and spending most of her life in prison. Go, girl!

Byron Willinger and Philip de Blasi wrote the script for the movie, which is being set for a July start date – despite the current lack of a director. That should be remedied soon, with several directors currently in talks with Screen Gems.

Fox will next be seen in the small indie drama, Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen.

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