With Man Of Steel on its way this summer, toy manufacturers have wasted no time in cooking up some tie-in products. So – and if you’re truly spoilerphobic, you may want to skip the images – we’re getting our first clear look at some elements, including Russell Crowe’s Jor-El, who you can see below via the LA Times.
Meanwhile, has anyone seen our motorbike? We left it parked here somewhere and we wanted to show it to you. It’s so shiny and silvery and cool and OH MY GOD! SUPERMAN! YOU MOTORBIKE-RIPPING BASTARD! Ahem… Okay, so it’s just an action fiction. But we’re certainly not going to leave any cool vehicles near Henry Cavill in future, just in case. This pic is also courtesy of the LA Times.
Finally, thanks to USA Today, the focus shifts to General Zod, as played in the film by Michael Shannon. He knows how the smart, evil Kryptonian should be dressing and is obviously up to no good in the action play set. We think he’s a villain because everyone taunted him about his giant head.
So if all this super-talk has left you hungry for more Man Of Steel coverage, why not pick up the latest Empire, which boasts some exclusive access and great pics of the cast. Plus, you know, the usual blast of film-related fun. It’s in the shops and on the iPad now, and is selling faster than that issue of the Daily Planet with the reveal of Wonder Woman’s true identity. Man Of Steel flies into cinemas on June 14.