Katie Holmes Joins Latifah In Mad Money

But leaves The Dark Knight

Katie Holmes Joins Latifah In Mad Money

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As career choices go, this is about as weird and ill-advised as Kevin Federline ditching his perfectly lucrative job as Britney's sponging bum of a husband and becoming Britney's useless rapper ex-husband. Katie Holmes has just signed to star opposite Queen Latifah in comedy Mad Money, to be directed by Thelma and Louise writer Callie Khouri. The film tells of three women who work at the federal reserve and plot to steal a large amount of money that's about to be destroyed. The film is based on British TV movie Hot Money, which starred her who played Martin Clunes' girlfriend in Men Behaving Badly. That bit is all normal. All fine. Nothing odd here, your honour.

But at the same time Holmes has announced that she will not be returning for the Batman Begins sequel, The Dark Knight. Why Katie? We know you're busy looking after the baby and shopping with Victoria Beckham. And obviously she's going to be demanding more of your time now she's moving to your neighbourhood. But you could have done both. We liked you in Batman Begins. You were good. OK, you were the Doogie Howser of District Attorneys, but we went with it. We're disappointed Katie, we won't lie. We'll be over here, shaking our heads ruefully. We'll only cheer up if someone tells us that Rachel McAdams is taking your place.

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