Horton Hears A Whole Lot Of New Cast

New actors sign on for Seuss animation

by empire |
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With Jim Carrey and Steve Carell already on board, there’s not a great deal of room for other comedians to strut their funky stuff in the forthcoming animated adaptation of Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears A Who – but that hasn’t stopped 20th Century Fox and Blue Sky from trying to cram a whole bunch of top comedians (and Dane Cook) into a movie that we’re beginning to envisage as a giant sardine tin of hilarity.

Carol Burnett, the God-like (and GOB-like) Will Arnett, his Arrested Development wife Amy Poehler (who also stars with Arnett in Blades Of Glory), Seth Rogen (so good in The 40 Year-Old Virgin), Mrs. Borat herself, Isla Fisher, Jaime Pressley and Jonah Hill will all join Carrey (as Horton, who hears a Who, apparently) and Carell (as the Mayor of Who-ville) in the movie, which is due out next March.

Oh yeah, and charisma-free zone, Dane Cook, is also on board. Yay.

Now, to be totally honest, Empire – being British and all that – hasn’t actually read a whole lot of Dr. Seuss, an author who appears to be almost exclusively an American phenomenon, and therefore we don't know exactly what happens in the movie. We could, of course, look it up, but you don't come here expecting intensive levels of research, do you, and we don't want to disappoint.

However, with that level of voice talent on board, and Blue Sky’s decent track record (they did both Ice Age movies and, erm, Robots), this could be worth looking forward to. And hey, it can’t be any worse than the live-action versions of The Grinch or The Cat In The Hat, right? Right? Unless, of course, too many Cook spoils the broth...

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