Fincher Directing Keanu?

In a film called Chef

Fincher Directing Keanu?

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

Sometimes there's a rumour so tasty that we have to comment on it even before everything is confirmed. Production Weekly is reporting that David Fincher is attached to direct Keanu Reeves in a project called Chef - but that's all we know for now.

So what do we think it's all about? A live-action remake of Ratatouille? A Sweeney Todd-inspired psycho-type tale? An epic globe-trotting tale of the search for the perfect steak?

The project's set up at Paramount, and if it does indeed exist could go into production fairly soon - Reeves has finished shooting The Private Lives of Pippa Lee and will soon finish promotional work on The Day The Earth Stood Still, while Fincher has locked The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and is only attached to one other film, Heavy Metal, a portmanteau piece that has yet to find a studio.

We'll bring you more on this as we get it but in the meantime why not read our five suggestions as to what it should be about. Click Here.

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