Nightscape neon, nostalgia, intelligent 3D and *that *Daft Punk score: there's plenty of good reasons to get excited about Tron Legacy. To stoke the anticipation levels still further the aesthetically-minded marketing folk at Disney have taken a leaf out of Francis Bacon's book to release a triptych of Tron one-sheets, part one of which you can gaze at below.
Along with the second and third instalments, unveiled this week, this Clu-focused promo will form a unified whole. Unless we've missed the point of this whole triptych business.
Tron Legacy, of course, sees young Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund) enlist the help of Alan Bradley (played by Bruce Boxleitner) to travel into Tron program and find out what became of his old man (Jeff Bridges). There he has to cope with the machinations of the malevolent Clu (CG Jeff Bridges), seen here clutching his light disk backdropped by a fleet of Recognizers.
Tron Legacy is in cinemas on December 17.