Empire’s Design-A-Poster Winners

Our readers nail The Killers

Empire's Design-A-Poster Winners

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

Recently we ran a competition for Empire readers to design a poster for Brit crime flick The Killers. Now the results are in, and we have a winner! And it's from forumite Hightower (aka Matthew Miles), and it's replicated below.

Director Carlo Ortu, who judged the entries, said, "The mixture of tinted pictures on a white background made it really stand out. The quotes were well placed and enticing and the 'How it Hasn't Won Awards is Beyond Me' quote nestled in the olive branch film awards symbol gives a lovely nod to the vibe of the film. Overall, I felt this captured what 'The Killers' is all about the most and is a very accomplished, professional design."

Runners up were the three posters below, from posters JohnSparks ("A well thought out design with a great tagline."), justinjameshorton ("This poster captured the low budget independent spirit of the film wonderfully.") and Hightower ("A really striking, lo-fi poster .") again. Well done to all those who took part, and good luck to The Killers when it opens.

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