It’s safe to say that Ryan Reynolds, director Tim Miller and Deadpool won at Comic-Con. The whole gloriously sweary shebang rocked up on the Sunday at Hall H, brought the whole place to its feet (and that's a lot of feet) and left again to the sound of frenzied whooping. Before it was back to the not-so-mundane business of finishing this gloriously oddball superhero flick in Vancouver, Miller and co left us a few more glimpses at their hero in action. Scroll down for a closer look.

Here’s Reynolds in his before-and-after guises: as Wade Wilson in his civvies with Morena Baccarin, and as f-bombing, fourth-wall-breaking mercenary Deadpool. Joining the splattery fun is Brianna Hildebrand’s cult-hero-to-be Negasonic Teenage Warhead.

The new trailer, which debuted in San Diego and subsequently, and predictably, leaked into the ether soon after, will be arriving in official formats soon. Look out for all the gonzo spirit and red-band mayhem you’d wish for in this long-dreamed-about only-half-expected adaptation of the Fabian Nicieza/ Rob Liefeld comic book. It’s also, Reynolds reassured the Comic-Con crowds, a course correct after Deadpool’s gagging order in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. "The mouth is not sewn shut at any point in this film," he stressed. "I wasn't even paid, I just insisted on that."

For much more on Deadpool, as well as X-Men: Apocalypse, head to your newsagent on July 30 and pick up the new issue of **Empire. Deadpool, meanwhile, will knock the doors off your local cinema on February 5, 2016.