Cruise: Placenta Sex Madness

Cruise: Placenta Sex Madness

by empire |
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Wow – they’re really milking that Tom Cruise GQ interview for all they’re worth. If this keeps up, we might have to buy a copy. The latest nugget to emerge from his chat with the American mag is that he plans to eat his baby’s placenta: mmm, weird. " I thought that would be good. Very nutritious,” said the father-to-be. “I'm gonna eat the cord and the placenta right there." And if that charming declaration hasn’t already put you off the bad sex for life, here’s the Cruiser’s own thoughts on the matter: "Great sex is a by-product for me of a great relationship, where you have communication. It's an extension of that. If you're not in good communication with your partner, it sucks." Wonder if Katie thinks that about having to keep schtum during the birth…

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