Brand New Trailer For

A new look at Noel Clarke's heist flick

Brand New Trailer For

by Ali Plumb |
Published on

Right, so, here’s the trailer for Noel Clarke’s latest, Following on from his previous sterling work, Kidulthood (writer) and Adulthood (writer and director) this is something well worth keeping an eye on, being one of the shiniest shining lights in the world of British cinema these days an’ all.

The story revolves around ‘4 girls, 3 days, 2 cities and 1 chance’ – but leaving the countdown aside for one moment, it’s basically about a somewhat unconventional diamond heist where four different young lady types band together to get them rocks. Guns are involved, and so’s Michelle from Eastenders. Hoorah!

So, let’s get the check list out for things worth spotting in this trailer:

  1. Semi naked girl wielding a samurai sword. Check.
  2. A big bag of diamonds. Check.
  3. Girls taking their tops off. Check.
  4. And most importantly of all, Kevin Smith on a Virgin Atlantic flight sitting on just one seat. Imagine that! (Check).

If you’ve noticed all of these things, then you have officially watched the trailer, and in doing so, have supported the British film industry. You can do so in a more financial manner by watching it when it comes out on June 2. Yazoo!

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