It's hard to say if this all the stories about the Bilderberg group are meat for conspiracy theorists or actual conspiracy, but they sure are entertaining. Which is why it's good news that Halcyon Pictures have bought the rights to Daniel Estulin's book The True Story of the Bilderberg Group.
The Bilderberg Group is a yearly gathering of the world's most influential politicians and industrialists, with past attendees including Tony Blair, David Rockefeller, Bill Clinton, Condoleeza Rice and Peter Mandelson. Read all about this year's conference at the Guardian's blog about the event - or rather don't, since no journalists are allowed within about a mile of the meeting, and any who try apparently find themselves stalked by police.
The deal gives Halcyon, the guys behind the Terminator reboot, the rights not only to the book but also its two sequels and all of Estulin's research material. The plan is to set up a fictionalised account of the group's workings rather than taking a docu-drama approach, so expect conspiracy! Powerful enemies! Secrecy! And hopefully some more conspiracy on top. There's no writer or director attached as yet - say, what's Oliver Stone doing these days?