Between The Lines: Series 3 Review

by William Thomas |
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With ne’er a ciggy or a Scotch out of sight, this ’90s overhaul of uncle Sweeney’s formula holds up, in which the cops work for the Criminal Investigation Branch, despised by peers and public alike. This final series sees disgraced ex-DSI Tony Clark and his crew (Neil Pearson in the role that deservedly made him a household name, the terrific Siobhan Redmond, and one of Britain’s greatest unsung actors, Tom Georgeson) working in the murky arena of high-end private investigation, where roads frequently lead to MI5 and Special Branch. Having dated only slightly, it’s deliciously complicated (the uninitiated should start from the very beginning), and commendable for an absence of tidy endings. It’s also an object lesson in quitting while you’re ahead, winding up bravely and conclusively.

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