Marvel Officially Orders Vision Spin-Off Series Starring Paul Bettany

Paul Bettany as Vision in WandaVision

by James White |
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We've known for a couple of years now that Marvel had plans for more than one spin-off from WandaVision. With the endlessly title-shifting Agatha All Along already on the way, the company is finally moving forward on a show focused on the ghostly version of Vision, as played by Paul Bettany in the show. And unlike the Agatha series, which was overseen by WandaVision's Jac Schaeffer, this one has been placed in the hands of Star Trek: Picard Season 3 showrunner Terry Matalas.

While Variety brings word of the show's developments, there remains little official on the plot front. It'll presumably Vision's story as the "white" Vision, who had his memories restored by original flavour Vision (himself brought back to magical life by grieving partner Wanda Maximoff, played by Elizabeth Olsen), as he seeks to explore his new purpose in life.

Whether Olsen might appear (mostly likely in flashback given the events of Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness) remains to be seen, but Bettany is confirmed to return.

And this marks Team Marvel continuing its shift to having creative writer/producer showrunners handle its shows rather than going the head writer-handing-over-to-director model. Matalas has certainly proved he knows how to guide a genre show, with the final season of Picard restoring the show to a higher level of praise and incorporating the veteran cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation alongside their old captain (Patrick Stewart).

The new Vision series (whether or not it is simply called Vision or previously mooted title Vision Quest), is being aimed for a 2026 release.

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