J.K. Simmons Joins La La Land

A reunion with Whiplash's Damien Chazelle

J.K. Simmons Joins La La Land

by James White |
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Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling had better start practicing their music skills sharpish. Because not only do they have to warble in Whiplash writer/director Damien Chazelle’s new film La La Land, they’ll be sharing the screen with J.K. Simmons{ =nofollow}. Gulp.

**La La Land **follows two dreamers looking to find fame in Los Angeles, who meet and discover a love connection. There’s aspiring actress Mia (Stone) who is lonely and trying to fit in to a confusing new city, and cocky, charismatic jazz pianist Sebastian (Gosling), who learns that juggling a relationship and art in the unforgiving City of Angels is no easy task.

And when you’ve got to contend with someone called “Boss”, played by Simmons? Even more reason to worry. Admittedly, he could be in cuddly teddy bear mode for this one, but his feelings towards rushing and/or dragging have yet to be established.

It’s not surprising to see Simmons reuniting with the man who helped him win an Oscar this year, and let’s be honest: the chance to see Simmons in anything on the big screen is something we appreciate.

The film will also feature Jessica Rothe, Sonoya Mizuno and Callie Hernandez in the ensemble, playing Stone’s roommates. Chazelle is looking to shoot this year ready for a July 15, 2016 release.

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