Emma Stone takes the lead in Letters From Rosemary

Emma Stone

by James White |
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With one film drawn from a true story already on her To Do list, Emma Stone is adding other, and is attached to star in Letters From Rosemary.

Nick Yarborough's spec script ended up on the Black List of well-regarded unproduced screenplays and has now been snapped up by production company Anonymous Content.

It'll tell the story of Rose Marie (also known as "Rosemary") Kennedy, the daughter of Joseph Kennedy, Sr. and Rose Fitzgerald. Rosemary was President John F. Kennedy's eldest sister, and showed signs of mental disability that the family kept hidden. When she was 23, her father arranged for Rosemary to be one of the first people to receive a prefrontal lobotomy, but its failure left her permanently incapacitated.

No director is attached yet, and this one doesn't have a shooting schedule or distributor in place. Stone has plenty to keep her busy anyway, with tennis tale Battle Of The Sexes waiting to shoot and a potential new TV project that would see her reunite with Superbad's Jonah Hill for director Cary Fukunaga. She'll next be seen in Damien Chazelle's La La Land, which arrives here on July 15.

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