You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger Review

You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger
A pair of married couples see their relationships tested as personal ambitions drive them apart.

by Dan Jolin |
Published on
Release Date:

18 Mar 2011

Running Time:

98 minutes



Original Title:

You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger

Once again, Woody pads the streets of London. Once again, he pulls at the ever-twisting tangle of human relationships with the help of an impressive ensemble. And once again, his theme of choice is how we play the cards we’re dealt (often badly), this time suggesting one’s destiny is more the result of one’s own ambitions, neuroses, passions and — as the title suggests — superstitions, than merely Fate’s fickle finger. Despite lurching at times into eye-roll-deserving stereotype (Lucy Punch’s gauche blonde gold-digger) it’s a gently comic affair which lays on thick irony. Yet, while you’ll easily recognise all the key players — Anthony Hopkins is daddy to Naomi Watts who fancies Antonio Banderas but is married to Josh Brolin who drools over Freida Pinto — there’s little else here that’s truly memorable or resonant.

Woody Allen's fourth London outing can't match Matchpoint's better moments - despite a cast similarly loaded with stereotypes - but does improve on Cassandra's Dream. Still no signs of the master re-living past glories, but more than worthwhile for Allen diehards.

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