The Rutles: All You Need Is Cash Review

Rutles: All You Need Is Cash, The
A spoof documentary following the career of Prefab Four from their humble beginnings to their German nightclub era to world stardom…

by empire |
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Release Date:

01 Jan 2001

Running Time:

0 minutes



Original Title:

Rutles: All You Need Is Cash, The

Hot on the heels of the DVD release of A Hard Days Night comes the legendary, non-award-winning film about Dirk, Nasty, Stig and Barry, known the world over as the Prefab Four. If the documentary techniques seem dated, then the tunes are as well: who would want to remember Goosestep Mama or Sgt. Rutter's Only Darts Club Band?

This parody of the Beatles, Beatlemania and a number of more serious Beatle documentaries definitely thinks it's funny and it may well have raised a chuckle or two at the time but has lost a little of the topical humour now that the Beatles are a national treasure and are two men down. It's no Spinal Tap.

Dated and only intermittently amusing.
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