Princess Raccoon Review

Princess Raccoon
A banished prince falls in love with a raccoon who has been turned into a human.

by David Parkinson |
Published on
Release Date:

30 Jun 2006

Running Time:

NaN minutes



Original Title:

Princess Raccoon

The godfather of Yakuza cool in the 1960s, 83 year-old Seijun Suzuki badly misjudges the audio-visual tone of this fairy-tale operetta, with the consequence that it looks and sounds like a pop segment from Eurotrash. The stylised studio settings and pastiche CG effects are amusing enough, but the score veers unpersuasively between rap and aria via samba and Oriental folk, while everything is staged at a detaching distance that makes it difficult to care whether prince Jo Odagiri evades the clutches of his narcissistic father or finds love with the eponymous Ziyi Zhang. The theatricality and nods towards Hong Kong period sagas will attract a cult following, but the lack of genuine fantasy, romance or wit renders it a multi-cultural musical muddle.

A muddled pop video in which the operetta style of song and dance does little to lift interest levels above more than mild.
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