Nightmare In A Damaged Brain Review

Nightmare In A Damaged Brain
A troubled schizophrenic is plagued by nightmares and goes on a killing spree.

by Kim Newman |
Published on
Release Date:

01 Jan 1980

Running Time:

96 minutes



Original Title:

Nightmare In A Damaged Brain

This effort follows a glum psycho as he kills his way across country to home in on a nasty little boy whose penchant for practical jokes means no-one takes his warnings seriously.

Its climactic set-piece is a gruesome axe-murder flashback, but the killings throughout suggest special effects by Dolmio. Uncut by the B.B.F.C. - but there may be marginally longer versions out there somewhere...

A barely adequate 1980 horror film that would be entirely forgotten if it hadn't once been banned.
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