The New Adventures of Swamp Thing Review

The adventures of a man-turned-muck monster.

by William Thomas |
Published on
Release Date:

01 Jan 1990

Running Time:

0 minutes

Original Title:

New Adventures of Swamp Thing, The

Swamp Thing was once a man named Alec Holland, but after being caught on fire, doused with strange chemicals, and dumped into the Louisiana swamps by the evil Dr. Anton Arcane, Alec's body mutated.

No longer is he human, or even an animal. His body is made from the muck and plants of the swamp. He's super strong and can make plants do his bidding. Good thing he's on our side.

Four more vaguely sequential episodes of the eponymous heroic hulk of fetid swamp moss, out to save the human race from, of all things, world domination by some anonymous wheelchair-bound mad scientist trying to draft a cyborg army out of scrap heaps.

Utterly devoid of any camp merriment that might have salvaged this dim, no-budget series from scaling new heights in tedium.

Nothing new, and nothing even close to quality, this series lurks in B-movie hell.
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