Mid-August Lunch Review

Mid-August Lunch
A middle-aged man has sacrificed living a full independent life to care for the mother he is devoted to.

by David Parkinson |
Published on
Release Date:

14 Aug 2009

Running Time:

75 minutes



Original Title:

Mid-August Lunch

The Rome of yesteryear casts shadows over Gianni Di Gregorio’s charming debut, in which he also stars as a sixtysomething whose social life has been severely curtailed by his devotion to his 93 year-old mother. His dedication becomes positively heroic when he welcomes a trio of dotty dears to spend the midsummer holiday in their snug Trastevere apartment.

Making exquisite use of the musty rooms that are his mother’s entire world, this semi-improvised saga is atmospherically photographed and exquisitely designed. But it’s the gently farcical interaction and cutting dialogue of the non-professional cast that makes this so enticing.

The semi-improvised performances and gently nostalgic tone makes this endearing and captivating.
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