Five years on from the amiable original about a struggling baseball team who overcome adversity and crap players to hey! win the league comes a sequel so crass, so unfunny and so utterly devoid of anything resembling a plot that one can wonder how fiscal reasons aside it ever got the green light. Indeed, so negligible are Messrs Berengers and Bernsens roles herein, that it must be assumed theyre simply onboard to fulfil contractual obligations. Slightly more upfront is Sheens Rick Wild Thing Vaughan who has abandoned his punk-like haircut and attitude in favour of yuppie suits, garish ties and a girlfriend in Alison Doodys plastic press agent. Shes out to improve his image by sending him on chat-shows and putting him in personal-hygiene commercials the results of which were no doubt meant to cream ourselves laughing at his tragic incompetence. Back at the ball game, however, only one season has passed, but already the Cleveland Indians, with Bernsen as their new owner are back to their old bungling ways. In comes Omar Epps, as Wesley Snipes replacement, and Eric Bruskotter as a Woody Harrelson clone, coming up with doltish homilies such as Women cant live with them, and they cant pee standing up. The humour is of the most puerile variety, the drama consists of Sheens choosing the right woman between his schoolteacher ex and the increasingly bitchy Doody. Otherwise, its an endless baseball game that proves a moronic waste of anyones time.
Major League II Review

The Indians are now a World Series contender. But last year's hunger is now replaced with complacency, and bad decisions by the new owner threaten to tear the team apart.
Release Date:
01 Jan 1994
Running Time:
105 minutes
Original Title:
Major League II
Bad, even for a baseball movie.
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