Scientist Toby Stephens works with a humanoid robot which has the face of a murdered colleague. Its reaction to the programme prompts him to question the motives of the dystopian government which has commissioned the creature. Like the similar-in-tone Splice, this essay in cutting-edge science works over the Frankenstein theme for a new age. Writer-director Caradog W. James’ film is ambitious, smart and well-acted, its strongest suit Caity Lotz in a complex, Bride Of Frankenstein-like dual role — she manages to be both inhuman and sympathetic, and her character develops in unexpected ways.
The Machine Review

Vincent (Stephens), a MOD science wonk working on a A.I. super soldier, creates the first fully conscious robot. Flying in the face of his superior's instructions, he makes it in the image of his dead lover (Lotz) and brings himself into conflict with his paymasters.
Release Date:
21 Mar 2014
Running Time:
90 minutes
Original Title:
Machine, The
Brimming with ideas and laudable ambition, it's well worth a look.
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