Little Ashes Review

Little Ashes
The film follows Dalí as he arrives as an 18 year-old at university in Madrid, determined to become a famous artist. He meets and forms a partnership with filmmaker Luis Buñuel and writer Federico García Lorca, and the trio become a formidable force among

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on
Release Date:

08 May 2009

Running Time:

107 minutes



Original Title:

Little Ashes

Twi-hards hoping for another totally dreamy Robert Pattison turn  will have to look further than this drama about Spanish artist Salvador Dali's younger days. Not only is Dali a self-conscious edotist with a penchant for extreme acts, but he's also engaged in a twisted love affair with the great Spanish poet, Federico Garcia Lorca, sensitively played by Javier Beltran.

Pattison's not bad, channelling the same self-loathing and sense of otherness that Twilight fans so fancied, although the mock Spanish accent slips and slides. But the film does Lorca a disservice in painting him as a conformist until Dali pushed him from his comfort zone, and gives Dali a pass regarding his Franco-friendly politics. Still, look out for Beltran in the future, and rejoice that the current hot young thing can act.

Rose-tinted portrait of the seminal Spanish surrealist painter's early years.

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