Last Hurrah For Chivalry Review

Last Hurrah For Chivalry
An avenging son, sworn to bring honour to his father enlists the help of other skilled men of violence.

by empire |
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Release Date:

12 Feb 1978

Running Time:

106 minutes



Original Title:

Last Hurrah For Chivalry

Released seven years before his career-making A Better Tomorrow, Last Hurrah is a solid example of John Woo’s emerging style ’n’ theme one-two combo. This period revenge tale demonstrates his preoccupation with honour amongst men of violence; though this is somewhat diluted by stock fu-action stereotypes.

Clichés aside, the film delivers almost non-stop action; often, as in the memorable ’sleeping Buddha’ sequence, brilliantly choreographed. An unusual melancholic air and the occasional slow-mo flourish clearly marks this out as Woo, though not quite at his brooding, bruising best.

A solid John Woo fu-action hero actioner from the 70s with a glimpse of his later promise.
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