Of Human Bondage Review

Of Human Bondage
Abandoning artistic ambitions, sensitive and club-footed Philip Carey enrolls in medical school and falls in love…

by David Parkinson |
Published on
Release Date:

23 Sep 1964

Running Time:

83 minutes



Original Title:

Of Human Bondage

Distilling Somerset Maugham's sprawling novel into an 83-minute film is just one of the achievements of John Cromwell's monochrome melodrama. Its imaginative depiction of obsession and the exceptional performance of Bette Davis rank high among the others.

Revelling in an amorality that would soon be outlawed, a pre-fame Davis is chillingly callous as the waitress who destroys the life of medical student Leslie Howard.

The first of the three screen versions of this famnous novel and still the best.
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