An admirable attempt at a US indie relationship picture in Kentish Town, Col Spector’s likable film is very short but sweet. The focus is Fran (Shameless’ Gerard Kearns) who, dumped on the eve of his wedding (by a blink-and-you’ll-miss-her Lisa Faulkner), mopes about, fends off a Spanish neighbour (Montserrat Roig de Puig) and negotiates the advice of mates, womanising Ben (Chris Coghill) and wise-ass Jon (Al Weaver). There are no big dramas or laughs. Instead it offers a level-headed look at love, male friendships, commitment-phobia and knowing when you’re ready to move on. Grounding itself in a London far more recognisable than anything Richard Curtis has done, it’s a generous but incisive look at Brit blokedom, crapness and all.
Honeymooner Review

When Fran (Gerard Kearns) is dumped on the eve of his wedding he mopes about in his Kentish Town flat with his two commitment-phobic friends, hoping she'll see the error of her ways. Soon, though, he has to start picking up the pieces.
Release Date:
21 Jan 2011
Running Time:
74 minutes
Original Title:
A real, authentic look at love and commitment.
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