Goin’ South Review

Goin' South
Leery Henry Moon is captured for a when his horse quits while trying to escape to Mexico. A loophole in the law means he can save himself from the gallows by marrying a widow.

by William Thomas |
Published on
Release Date:

01 Jan 1978

Running Time:

105 minutes



Original Title:

Goin’ South

After Drive He Said, this is Jackos second shot at director, the pressures of which, combined with those of also being the star, deterred him from trying again until The Two Jakes.

It's a Western romp pitching his feckless, leering badhat against the prim mine-owner (who he marries due to circumstances too preposterous to explain), played by Mary Steenburgen and plucked from obscurity as a waitress and fringe theatre actress by Jack, who also cast the 'difficult' John Belushi after seeing the coke-addled comedian send up Cuckoo's Nest on TV's Saturday Night Live. (Watch out too for Christopher Lloyd and Danny DeVito.)

Fun, but it mugs too hard.
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