Made with traditional methods — single, extensive takes, shot entirely on location, harnessing natural light — Fathers Of Girls is about a man’s attempt to come to terms with his daughter’s untimely death. Frank Horner (Ray Winstone) is a lawyer whose ‘princess’ leaves for university and forever disappears from his life after a drug overdose. His attempts to find the root of her drug problem leads to inevitable good-time girls and sleazy nightclubs, hangdog Horner more dismayed at every turn of events. Its ambling style corrodes the continuity of the flim, scenes languish, dialogue is drawn out and the dénouement is unsatisfying and flat. At the end you’ll be hard pushed to care about the girl’s death, let alone what led her there.
Fathers Of Girls Review

When his daughter dies of a drug overdose, doting father Frank (Winstone) sets out to uncover what happened to her.
Release Date:
19 Nov 2010
Running Time:
92 minutes
Original Title:
Fathers Of Girls
Too meandering to stir the brain and too dour to engage the heart, the moving storyline too often falls flat in stodgy scenes.
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