Michael Madsen’s (no, not that one) documentary about Onkalo, Finland’s permanent nuclear waste repository site throws up a series of questions about the industry — not the finger-pointing sort, mind, but the kind which get a sci-fi writer’s head spinning (hint: storage isn’t the difficult part when dealing with a substance that remains harmful for 100,000 years). His opening statement may feel a little pretentious, but stick with it, and the director’s point simmers down to reveal something all at once clever, alarming and — amid the testimony of various experts, none of whom can be certain of the situation’s outcome — strangely zen.
Into Eternity Review

Michael Madsen's documentary explores the cavernous Onkalo nuclear waste depository in Finland, a subterranean dumping ground for radioactive materials designed to last for thouands of years.
Release Date:
12 Nov 2010
Running Time:
78 minutes
Original Title:
Into Eternity
A captivating, and sometimes alarming, exposé of the business end of nuclear power. Watch as part of a behind-the-sofa double bill with Countdown To Zero.
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