Eames: The Architect & The Painter Review

Eames: The Architect & The Painter
American husband-and-wife pair Charles and Ray Eames were groundbreaking furniture designers before they turned their hands to architecture, photography and film. But as this James Franco-narrated doc shows, there's more to their story.

by Limara Salt |
Published on
Release Date:

03 Aug 2012

Running Time:

83 minutes



Original Title:

Eames: The Architect & The Painter

Every office, home and fast food chain decorated with a curved chair owes Charles and Ray Eames a huge debt. In post-War America their furniture became the epitome of modern style, and during their 40-year career the couple tackled everything from filmmaking and animation to art and photography. The trouble is, there just isn’t time to focus on what made this husband and wife team so unique. Even their personal struggles (Charles had more than a few affairs) are fleetingly mentioned, leaving the film with about as much depth as their Wikipedia page.

A disappointingly thin treatment of two pioneers of design.
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