Dream Home Review

Dream Home
Cheng Li-sheung (Ho) is a put-upon young professional forced to look after her young brother and sick dad. Her efforts to buy an apartment hampered at every turn, she turns to very violent means to vent her frustrations.

by Kim Newman |
Published on
Release Date:

19 Nov 2010

Running Time:

96 minutes



Original Title:

Dream Home

This extremely gruesome horror comedy is an extended shaggy-dog story about the soaring price of a sea-front flat in Hong Kong. Over one night, bank employee Josie Ho (in a committed, intense performance) invades a luxury block of flats and commits a series of ultra-gory, horribly absurd murders for reasons which only become clear in doled-out flashbacks that explain how she came to be fixated on living in this place and the circumstances frustrating her. Rooted in the horrors of estate agents and pre-credit crunch mortgage brokering, there’s an undeniable sense of liberation in the killing frenzy, though some scenes (the asphyxiation of a pregnant woman using a vacuum cleaner attachment) will cross a line for many and writer-director Pang Ho-Cheung stages the massacre with an infectious glee.

A gleefully gory slasher-horror that satirises the property bubble and piles up the bodies in the process. Not for the faint of heart.
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